Posts tagged man
More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback // Read

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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Practice Makes Perfect // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

We can practice, we can train, we can work. But no matter how hard we try, we will never reach perfection. So, thank God perfection is not the goal! The sooner that we realize perfection is impossible, the better off our life will be. When we understand this, we are freed from a life of endlessly pursuing an unattainable goal. Instead, God calls us to a life of better—taking steps towards him and the future he has in mind for us.

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No Pain, No Gain // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

It’s not a secret that everything worthwhile in life lives uphill—a healthy body, healthy finances, healthy relationships. You have to work to build a fulfilling life for yourself. So does that mean that life is a constant slog of pushing through pain to get something good? Not at all. In fact, when you start making God-honoring decisions, they tend to create momentum that propels you toward the life God has in mind for you.

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