Posts tagged talking
The Good Infection // Under New Management

C.S. Lewis wrote in his classic work, Mere Christianity, “Jesus came to this world and became a man in order to spread to other men the kind of life He has—by what I call ‘good infection.’ Every Christian is to become a little Christ.” That is exactly what God has in mind for each of us—to become like Jesus. So how do we know if we’re catching the good infection?

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The Good Infection // Under New Management // Read

C.S. Lewis wrote in his classic work, Mere Christianity, “Jesus came to this world and became a man in order to spread to other men the kind of life He has—by what I call ‘good infection.’ Every Christian is to become a little Christ.” That is exactly what God has in mind for each of us—to become like Jesus. So how do we know if we’re catching the good infection?

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Meet The Manager // Under New Management // Read

Legendary theologian A.W. Tozer once said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Our view of God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—affects every area of our life, especially our identity. Is God great and good? Or is He distant and apathetic? If we want to have a correct view of our identity, it starts by having a correct view of God. So who is God and how does His identity change and shape my identity?

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CTRL+ALT+FRGV+APLGZ // Hack The Wayback // Read

Our words, thoughts, and actions aren’t the only things archived in The Wayback Machine. The Enemy works hard to catalogue every hurt we’ve caused and every pain we’ve endured. The end goal is resentment, bitterness, and self-loathing. But we have a way out. We can destroy the Enemy’s program with two simple, powerful words—Forgive and Apologize.

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More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback // Read

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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Stop The Scroll

75 feet. That’s the distance the average person scrolls on their phone every single day. The biggest chunk of the 75-foot scroll? Distractions. Scrolling through Instagram, checking Facebook, seeing what’s trending on Twitter or TikTok...we kill time with every swipe. And the longer we scroll, the more disconnected we get—from reality, relationships, and God’s purpose for our lives. Let’s stop the scroll, put distractions in their place, and fight for our attention.

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Better Promises // 613 Ghosts // Read

This may shock you, but it’s the truth: the Bible—God’s word—specifically calls another part of the Bible “obsolete.” In fact, it says that it is “...outdated and will soon disappear.” You see, Christians have been living haunted lives for no reason. The ghosts of the old covenant don’t get to haunt us anymore—unless we allow them to. And that’s because we’ve been given something better. God has replaced the death of the Law with something better—new life in Christ!

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