Posts tagged sin
Fight, Not Flight // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie // Read

Running from the killer never goes well. The protagonist falls down, they get cornered, they hurt themselves—and in the end, the killer always catches up. So what if the best way to survive a horror movie is to face the killer head on? You see, it’s time to stop running away from the battle. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and He is empowering you—it’s time to start acting like it!

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Fight, Not Flight // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie

Running from the killer never goes well. The protagonist falls down, they get cornered, they hurt themselves—and in the end, the killer always catches up. So what if the best way to survive a horror movie is to face the killer head on? You see, it’s time to stop running away from the battle. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and He is empowering you—it’s time to start acting like it!

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Thank God I’m Not Like You // The Prison of Comparison //Read

Generally the first thing that comes to mind when we think of comparison is envy. But there’s a comparison prison cell that’s even more insidious: Self-righteousness. We search out comparisons that make us feel better about ourselves because, “At least we’re not like those people!” But what if Jesus called us to view ourselves as the “Chief of Sinners?” How do comparisons change if we see our own sin as a log and another’s sin as a speck of sawdust?

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Thank God I’m Not Like You // The Prison of Comparison

Generally the first thing that comes to mind when we think of comparison is envy. But there’s a comparison prison cell that’s even more insidious: Self-righteousness. We search out comparisons that make us feel better about ourselves because, “At least we’re not like those people!” But what if Jesus called us to view ourselves as the “Chief of Sinners?” How do comparisons change if we see our own sin as a log and another’s sin as a speck of sawdust?

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Whatchamacallit // Under New Management // Read

Often we let a “what” define us instead of a “Who.” Rather than listening to who God says we are, we follow the “whats” for our identity: what we experience, what they said, what we think. But the fact is that who I am is more important than what I experience. And when I have my identity set by God, I don’t shift and shake with the changing circumstances in my life.

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Whatchamacallit // Under New Management

Often we let a “what” define us instead of a “Who.” Rather than listening to who God says we are, we follow the “whats” for our identity: what we experience, what they said, what we think. But the fact is that who I am is more important than what I experience. And when I have my identity set by God, I don’t shift and shake with the changing circumstances in my life.

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Software Update Now Available // Hack The Wayback // Read

One of the most insidious features of the Enemy’s Wayback Machine is what it wants you to believe. Not simply that your past defines your present - but that it dictates your future. If He can make you believe your future is already determined, then why bother. The good news? While we can’t change our past, God can change our future. We just need to trust and follow Him!

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Put to Death, Brought to Life // 613 Ghosts // Read

The old is gone, the new is here! Jesus has conquered sin and death, fulfilling the requirements of the Law once and for all. In its place, we have a new life-giving command. Instead of a burden, it’s a blessing. And as we follow it, we breathe life and bring resurrection to every situation. It’s time, Church. Time to let the dead rest in peace, and time step into the power of the new, life-giving law that Jesus has put in place.

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Better Promises // 613 Ghosts // Read

This may shock you, but it’s the truth: the Bible—God’s word—specifically calls another part of the Bible “obsolete.” In fact, it says that it is “...outdated and will soon disappear.” You see, Christians have been living haunted lives for no reason. The ghosts of the old covenant don’t get to haunt us anymore—unless we allow them to. And that’s because we’ve been given something better. God has replaced the death of the Law with something better—new life in Christ!

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