Posts tagged house
Beware Where You Build // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie // Read

Almost every other haunted house movie has the same premise. A house was built on a cemetery or a sacred burial ground. Which begs the question: “What in the world were the builders thinking?” We all know that the foundation of a house is it’s most crucial component...Speaking of which—where are you building the house of your life? Are you building on a solid foundation, or one that will lead to hauntings and “horror movie moments” of your own?

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Beware Where You Build // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie

Almost every other haunted house movie has the same premise. A house was built on a cemetery or a sacred burial ground. Which begs the question: “What in the world were the builders thinking?” We all know that the foundation of a house is it’s most crucial component...Speaking of which—where are you building the house of your life? Are you building on a solid foundation, or one that will lead to hauntings and “horror movie moments” of your own?

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Guard Your Heart, Mow Your Lawn // eMOODjis // Read

It’s crazy what we’ll spend our time and money to guard. Our cell phones, our cars, our lawn. We put so much time and effort into making sure these things are protected and safe. But when it comes to our heart—our emotions, moods, and feelings—we seem to constantly drop the ball. Why do we spend so much time guarding non-essential things in our lives, yet we seem to repeatedly miss the mark when it comes to defending and guarding our heart?

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Guard Your Heart, Mow Your Lawn // eMOODjis

One of the core, fundamental principles of boxing is to keep your gloves up. That’s because the second they go down, your head becomes vulnerable to attack. Did you know Scripture tells us to do something similar when it comes to our heart—our emotions, moods, and feelings? Why do we spend so much time guarding non-essential things in our lives, yet we seem to constantly drop our gloves when it comes to defending and guarding our heart?

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Practice Makes Perfect // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

We can practice, we can train, we can work. But no matter how hard we try, we will never reach perfection. So, thank God perfection is not the goal! The sooner that we realize perfection is impossible, the better off our life will be. When we understand this, we are freed from a life of endlessly pursuing an unattainable goal. Instead, God calls us to a life of better—taking steps towards him and the future he has in mind for us.

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No Pain, No Gain // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

It’s not a secret that everything worthwhile in life lives uphill—a healthy body, healthy finances, healthy relationships. You have to work to build a fulfilling life for yourself. So does that mean that life is a constant slog of pushing through pain to get something good? Not at all. In fact, when you start making God-honoring decisions, they tend to create momentum that propels you toward the life God has in mind for you.

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Put to Death, Brought to Life // 613 Ghosts // Read

The old is gone, the new is here! Jesus has conquered sin and death, fulfilling the requirements of the Law once and for all. In its place, we have a new life-giving command. Instead of a burden, it’s a blessing. And as we follow it, we breathe life and bring resurrection to every situation. It’s time, Church. Time to let the dead rest in peace, and time step into the power of the new, life-giving law that Jesus has put in place.

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