Posts tagged mow
Guard Your Heart, Mow Your Lawn // eMOODjis // Read

It’s crazy what we’ll spend our time and money to guard. Our cell phones, our cars, our lawn. We put so much time and effort into making sure these things are protected and safe. But when it comes to our heart—our emotions, moods, and feelings—we seem to constantly drop the ball. Why do we spend so much time guarding non-essential things in our lives, yet we seem to repeatedly miss the mark when it comes to defending and guarding our heart?

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Guard Your Heart, Mow Your Lawn // eMOODjis

One of the core, fundamental principles of boxing is to keep your gloves up. That’s because the second they go down, your head becomes vulnerable to attack. Did you know Scripture tells us to do something similar when it comes to our heart—our emotions, moods, and feelings? Why do we spend so much time guarding non-essential things in our lives, yet we seem to constantly drop our gloves when it comes to defending and guarding our heart?

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