Posts tagged goal
The Doppelganger Distraction // The Prison Of Comparison

There are some people in the world who seem to have everything going for them. They’re attractive, witty, successful...they’re just so perfect. And if you were just like them, you’d be perfect, too...right? Wrong! Trying to become a duplicate of someone else is a disservice to the unique person God created you to be. And the sooner you identify and ditch The Doppelganger Distraction, the sooner you’ll make the difference in the world you were designed for.

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Practice Makes Perfect // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

We can practice, we can train, we can work. But no matter how hard we try, we will never reach perfection. So, thank God perfection is not the goal! The sooner that we realize perfection is impossible, the better off our life will be. When we understand this, we are freed from a life of endlessly pursuing an unattainable goal. Instead, God calls us to a life of better—taking steps towards him and the future he has in mind for us.

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