Posts tagged fear
Fail-osophy 101 // The Upside of Down // Read

We’ve all taken classes at the School of Hard Knocks. Life has a way of knocking us down a peg or two...or ten. We fail and we fail often. And one of the worst aspects about that failure is how final it feels. Like this letdown is going to mark you for life. So how do we handle it when failure leaves us hopeless? By clinging to the foundational truth that our failure isn’t fatal. Our failings don’t surprise or scare God. In fact, God knew and has already made a way through.

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Fail-osophy 101 // The Upside of Down

We’ve all taken classes at the School of Hard Knocks. Life has a way of knocking us down a peg or two...or ten. We fail and we fail often. And one of the worst aspects about that failure is how final it feels. Like this letdown is going to mark you for life. So how do we handle it when failure leaves us hopeless? By clinging to the foundational truth that our failure isn’t fatal. Our failings don’t surprise or scare God. In fact, God knew and has already made a way through.

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The Doppelganger Distraction // The Prison Of Comparison

There are some people in the world who seem to have everything going for them. They’re attractive, witty, successful...they’re just so perfect. And if you were just like them, you’d be perfect, too...right? Wrong! Trying to become a duplicate of someone else is a disservice to the unique person God created you to be. And the sooner you identify and ditch The Doppelganger Distraction, the sooner you’ll make the difference in the world you were designed for.

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