Posts tagged envy
The Doppelganger Distraction // The Prison Of Comparison

There are some people in the world who seem to have everything going for them. They’re attractive, witty, successful...they’re just so perfect. And if you were just like them, you’d be perfect, too...right? Wrong! Trying to become a duplicate of someone else is a disservice to the unique person God created you to be. And the sooner you identify and ditch The Doppelganger Distraction, the sooner you’ll make the difference in the world you were designed for.

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Thank God I’m Not Like You // The Prison of Comparison //Read

Generally the first thing that comes to mind when we think of comparison is envy. But there’s a comparison prison cell that’s even more insidious: Self-righteousness. We search out comparisons that make us feel better about ourselves because, “At least we’re not like those people!” But what if Jesus called us to view ourselves as the “Chief of Sinners?” How do comparisons change if we see our own sin as a log and another’s sin as a speck of sawdust?

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Thank God I’m Not Like You // The Prison of Comparison

Generally the first thing that comes to mind when we think of comparison is envy. But there’s a comparison prison cell that’s even more insidious: Self-righteousness. We search out comparisons that make us feel better about ourselves because, “At least we’re not like those people!” But what if Jesus called us to view ourselves as the “Chief of Sinners?” How do comparisons change if we see our own sin as a log and another’s sin as a speck of sawdust?

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The Good Infection // Under New Management // Read

C.S. Lewis wrote in his classic work, Mere Christianity, “Jesus came to this world and became a man in order to spread to other men the kind of life He has—by what I call ‘good infection.’ Every Christian is to become a little Christ.” That is exactly what God has in mind for each of us—to become like Jesus. So how do we know if we’re catching the good infection?

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Software Update Now Available // Hack The Wayback

One of the most insidious features of the Enemy’s Wayback Machine is what it wants you to believe. Not simply that your past defines your present - but that it dictates your future. If He can make you believe your future is already determined, then why bother. The good news? While we can’t change our past, God can change our future. We just need to trust and follow Him!

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Software Update Now Available // Hack The Wayback // Read

One of the most insidious features of the Enemy’s Wayback Machine is what it wants you to believe. Not simply that your past defines your present - but that it dictates your future. If He can make you believe your future is already determined, then why bother. The good news? While we can’t change our past, God can change our future. We just need to trust and follow Him!

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