Posts tagged build
The Prevention Paradox // The Upside of Down // Read

Did you know the likelihood of a severe injury is higher in football than in rugby? Even though football players wear padding and helmets and rugby players don’t? That is what we call The Prevention Paradox. The more we do to prevent injury and failure, the more susceptible we become. In fact, many safety measures we use often make failure more likely. That’s because failure has never been something we were supposed to avoid. And when we try to do so, we find out it just makes our life and problems worse.

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The Prevention Paradox // The Upside of Down

Did you know the likelihood of a severe injury is higher in football than in rugby? Even though football players wear padding and helmets and rugby players don’t? That is what we call The Prevention Paradox. The more we do to prevent injury and failure, the more susceptible we become. In fact, many safety measures we use often make failure more likely. That’s because failure has never been something we were supposed to avoid. And when we try to do so, we find out it just makes our life and problems worse.

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No Pain, No Gain // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

It’s not a secret that everything worthwhile in life lives uphill—a healthy body, healthy finances, healthy relationships. You have to work to build a fulfilling life for yourself. So does that mean that life is a constant slog of pushing through pain to get something good? Not at all. In fact, when you start making God-honoring decisions, they tend to create momentum that propels you toward the life God has in mind for you.

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Speak Your Truth // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

Everyone in the world is unique, and with that uniqueness comes unique experiences, insights, and world views. But there’s something else that is ultra unique and one of a kind: Truth. It stands on its own. No personal experiences, insights, or world views can alter it. And the most amazing thing? Truth has a name. The sooner we learn it, the better our life will be.

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Speak Your Truth // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice

Everyone in the world is unique, and with that uniqueness comes unique experiences, insights, and world views. But there’s something else that is ultra unique and one of a kind: Truth. It stands on its own. No personal experiences, insights, or world views can alter it. And the most amazing thing? Truth has a name. The sooner we learn it, the better our life will be.

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