Posts tagged day
Better Than Bitcoin // Summer Mixtape: A Playlist of the Psalms

Have you ever made a bad investment? Put your trust and faith in something that just didn’t pan now? Of course you have…we all have. A career, a relationship—we invest our time, talent, and treasure…and then the bottom falls out. But the good news is that here is an investment we can make that will never give a bad return. And we can start today.

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More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback // Read

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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More Than Your Search History // Hack The Wayback

The Wayback Machine exists to tell you who it thinks you are. Your words, your actions, your thoughts—everything you’ve ever done—are all on display. And the Enemy wants you to think these things define you. But when we Hack the Wayback, we see our past in a new way. Instead of shame at how sinful we were, we are in awe of how loving God is.

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In My Feelings // eMOODjis // Read

Why are we talking about feelings? Isn’t that topic more apt for a self-help seminar instead of a sermon? Well, the fact is feelings can be either the greatest help or the greatest hindrance in our walk with Christ. Faith doesn’t live in a vacuum, and unchecked emotions and moods will stall maturity. The sooner we realize our faith should inform our feelings, the better life will become

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The 3 MPH God In a 65 MPH World // Read

In our nonstop world, efficiency and production are king. This Kingdom of Production has creeds and statements of belief like, "I'll sleep when I'm dead!”, "Go hard or go home!" and "Good things happen to those who hustle!" But in the Kingdom of God, King Jesus invites us to step away from this lie that can't deliver and step into a new way of being—Sabbath rest.

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The 3 MPH God In a 65 MPH World

In our nonstop world, efficiency and production are king. This Kingdom of Production has creeds and statements of belief like, "I'll sleep when I'm dead!”, "Go hard or go home!" and "Good things happen to those who hustle!" But in the Kingdom of God, King Jesus invites us to step away from this lie that can't deliver and step into a new way of being—Sabbath rest.

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Speak Your Truth // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

Everyone in the world is unique, and with that uniqueness comes unique experiences, insights, and world views. But there’s something else that is ultra unique and one of a kind: Truth. It stands on its own. No personal experiences, insights, or world views can alter it. And the most amazing thing? Truth has a name. The sooner we learn it, the better our life will be.

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Speak Your Truth // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice

Everyone in the world is unique, and with that uniqueness comes unique experiences, insights, and world views. But there’s something else that is ultra unique and one of a kind: Truth. It stands on its own. No personal experiences, insights, or world views can alter it. And the most amazing thing? Truth has a name. The sooner we learn it, the better our life will be.

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