Posts tagged emotionally crippled

Have you ever said “It’s not my fault I feel this way...”? Of course you have. We’ve all said it—blaming other people or circumstances for how we feel. The problem is that when we do this, we take on the role of perpetual victim with no hope of escape. Think about it: if your emotions aren’t under your control, why bother? But on the flip side, if emotions can be owned, then it means that, like anything else that belongs to you, they are yours to manage.

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EM(OWN)TIONS // eMOODjis // Read

Have you ever said “It’s not my fault I feel this way...”? Of course you have. We’ve all said it—blaming other people or circumstances for how we feel. The problem is that when we do this, we take on the role of perpetual victim with no hope of escape. Think about it: if your emotions aren’t under your control, why bother? But on the flip side, if emotions can be owned, then it means that, like anything else that belongs to you, they are yours to manage.

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In My Feelings // eMOODjis // Read

Why are we talking about feelings? Isn’t that topic more apt for a self-help seminar instead of a sermon? Well, the fact is feelings can be either the greatest help or the greatest hindrance in our walk with Christ. Faith doesn’t live in a vacuum, and unchecked emotions and moods will stall maturity. The sooner we realize our faith should inform our feelings, the better life will become

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