Posts tagged power
Watch What You Say // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie

Scary movies like Candyman, and spooky urban legends like “Bloody Mary,” suggest that pure evil can be invoked by nothing more than the power of our words. And in a sense, how true that is! Scripture tells us time and time again that the power of life and death is found in the tongue. We can make someone’s day with a small compliment, or we can ignite insecurity with a snarky comment. So how are we using our words? Are we bringing life or death to those around us?

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Watch What You Say // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie // Read

Scary movies like Candyman, and spooky urban legends like “Bloody Mary,” suggest that pure evil can be invoked by nothing more than the power of our words. And in a sense, how true that is! Scripture tells us time and time again that the power of life and death is found in the tongue. We can make someone’s day with a small compliment, or we can ignite insecurity with a snarky comment. So how are we using our words? Are we bringing life or death to those around us?

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Is That You, God ? // Silent Symphony // Read

A symphony is defined as “ elaborate musical composition for a full orchestra.” And there lies the beauty of a symphony—that it incorporates all aspects of the orchestral suite: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. God works in a similar way...He incorporates all aspects of His creation to speak. So when we think God is quiet, He in fact may be He speaking to us through a way—or through a person—that we never would’ve expected.

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Is That You, God ? // Silent Symphony

A symphony is defined as “ elaborate musical composition for a full orchestra.” And there lies the beauty of a symphony—that it incorporates all aspects of the orchestral suite: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. God works in a similar way...He incorporates all aspects of His creation to speak. So when we think God is quiet, He in fact may be He speaking to us through a way—or through a person—that we never would’ve expected.

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Whatchamacallit // Under New Management // Read

Often we let a “what” define us instead of a “Who.” Rather than listening to who God says we are, we follow the “whats” for our identity: what we experience, what they said, what we think. But the fact is that who I am is more important than what I experience. And when I have my identity set by God, I don’t shift and shake with the changing circumstances in my life.

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Whatchamacallit // Under New Management

Often we let a “what” define us instead of a “Who.” Rather than listening to who God says we are, we follow the “whats” for our identity: what we experience, what they said, what we think. But the fact is that who I am is more important than what I experience. And when I have my identity set by God, I don’t shift and shake with the changing circumstances in my life.

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Have you ever said “It’s not my fault I feel this way...”? Of course you have. We’ve all said it—blaming other people or circumstances for how we feel. The problem is that when we do this, we take on the role of perpetual victim with no hope of escape. Think about it: if your emotions aren’t under your control, why bother? But on the flip side, if emotions can be owned, then it means that, like anything else that belongs to you, they are yours to manage.

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EM(OWN)TIONS // eMOODjis // Read

Have you ever said “It’s not my fault I feel this way...”? Of course you have. We’ve all said it—blaming other people or circumstances for how we feel. The problem is that when we do this, we take on the role of perpetual victim with no hope of escape. Think about it: if your emotions aren’t under your control, why bother? But on the flip side, if emotions can be owned, then it means that, like anything else that belongs to you, they are yours to manage.

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