Posts tagged pain
Fight, Not Flight // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie // Read

Running from the killer never goes well. The protagonist falls down, they get cornered, they hurt themselves—and in the end, the killer always catches up. So what if the best way to survive a horror movie is to face the killer head on? You see, it’s time to stop running away from the battle. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and He is empowering you—it’s time to start acting like it!

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Fight, Not Flight // How To (Still) Survive A Horror Movie

Running from the killer never goes well. The protagonist falls down, they get cornered, they hurt themselves—and in the end, the killer always catches up. So what if the best way to survive a horror movie is to face the killer head on? You see, it’s time to stop running away from the battle. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and He is empowering you—it’s time to start acting like it!

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No Pain, No Gain // “Follow Your Heart” And Other Awful Advice // Read

It’s not a secret that everything worthwhile in life lives uphill—a healthy body, healthy finances, healthy relationships. You have to work to build a fulfilling life for yourself. So does that mean that life is a constant slog of pushing through pain to get something good? Not at all. In fact, when you start making God-honoring decisions, they tend to create momentum that propels you toward the life God has in mind for you.

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