Knowing What Really Matters // Joy/Full

Paul had every reason to join the ranks of the thoroughly depressed, irritable, and hopeless. He was in a hot muggy prison in Rome; separated from convenience, comfort, and friends. He was imprisoned because he followed Jesus – doing the right things! But, people who claimed to follow God were jealous and antagonistic over his preaching and gaining followers. Sounds like the recipe for a perfect pity party – but, not Paul. He held the secret of joy: Knowing what really matters.

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Jordan SanchezComment
Divorced // Relationship Status

Why does One so often turn back into Two? The causes are multiple, and the pain ripples far and long. God hates divorce because he loves people so much. If you are divorced, God loves you so much and wants to help you. You don’t have to excuse, minimize, or hide. God power is big and can help you move through divorce with grace.

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Jordan SanchezComment
Married // Relationship Status

Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. It fundamentally changes you. It is becoming one. Life, culture, and our Enemy will try to un-one what God has made one. We must fight through the changing seasons of life to stay connected. It is worth it.

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Jordan SanchezComment
Dating // Relationship Status

When we date, we often swerve into relationships that take us into dangerous territory and we end up losing stuff we can’t afford to lose. We need to seek and follow God’s wisdom and will. Preparation gives power to promises.

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Jordan SanchezComment
Single // Relationship Status

There are more single adults living, working, and breathing in the United States than ever before in history. A U.S. census reports 110.6 million unmarried people over the age of 18. That’s 45.2% of the American adult population.

In 1960, 72% of adults were married. Among today’s growing single population, 63% have never been married, 23% are divorced, and 13% are widowed. Some singles feel doomed and disappointed while others are delighted with their lives. Singles are often the biggest asset in their environments. You can thrive in the challenges of singleness, whether it is by choice or circumstance.

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Jordan SanchezComment
Vision Sunday // There's Always This Year

Taking a look at what God has for Cornerstone Church in 2020. The point of our fasting and prayer is not to get God to help us in all of our agendas. Instead, are seeking to join God where he is already doing a new thing. When we pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done,” we are surrendering ourselves to pursue God’s agenda on earth.

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Taylor PoeComment