Posts tagged diversity
When the faith of your heart becomes a tattoo on your arm...

Jesus’ challenge to trust him beyond reserves and retreats with no regrets wasn’t a one and done deal for me. It’s a decision I have had to make over and over again over the last 10 plus years. It’s one I am sure to face repeatedly until I am face to face with the Lord – and certainly throughout the unknown of this year ahead. I want to be confident in Him no matter what comes my way. Without fear, without worry; with love and with joy to offer abundantly.

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Looking Back, We Wouldn't Change a Thing

The reality is, though we may differ in some or many ways, at the end of the day, we really aren’t that different at all. We all fall short, but still find ourselves as children of an incredible Father who extends more love, grace, and mercy than we could ever deserve.

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