Posts tagged prayer
Kaelyn & Kara Hornish // Testimony

God's love & presence

Jesus is my reason for living - He gives me purpose. I am better because of Him. And Cornerstone has truly help make me who I am today. I am so grateful for my Cornerstone Family - God bless you all!

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Celebrating Communion

On a cold February morning I had traveled to spend a few hours with Dad. By the end of the first week of September, he would be in heaven. Dad was in a reflective mood that morning about deeply spiritual moments of his past. He shared with me this memory I had never heard before.

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When the faith of your heart becomes a tattoo on your arm...

Jesus’ challenge to trust him beyond reserves and retreats with no regrets wasn’t a one and done deal for me. It’s a decision I have had to make over and over again over the last 10 plus years. It’s one I am sure to face repeatedly until I am face to face with the Lord – and certainly throughout the unknown of this year ahead. I want to be confident in Him no matter what comes my way. Without fear, without worry; with love and with joy to offer abundantly.

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A Story of a Broken Girl

For me, I am not perfectly healed. I am not perfect. I am constantly failing. But I'm growing. I am learning what it means to trust your church. I am becoming open again. God is providing me with joy, a new community, a renewed hope in the world. All through my community at Cornerstone. And I hope you will open your heart to this same community that is waiting for you!

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