Looking Back, We Wouldn't Change a Thing

Going deeper, that’s been our renewed focus at Akron Dream Center (ADC). With everything going on in the world today – the pandemic, racial tension, political tension, crime, the list goes on, it can be easy and, quite honestly, safer to keep people at arm's length and relationships hovering at surface levels. 

The same can be said when it comes to relating to people who are different than ourselves.  When people look different, talk different, act different, believe different, it can stretch us outside our comfort zone, and even at times be intimidating. 

So what do we do when people have different or even opposing views from our own? How do we respond to those in different social-economic positions? 

Our natural instinct is protection and security, distancing ourselves and the people and things that we value most. But I think when we look at scripture, we see calling to go beneath the surface. To go deeper than shallow water in relationship where its difficult, uncomfortable, messy, but beautiful. 

To know people beyond their reactions, instincts, and responses. To hear their stories, experiences and struggles, and truly know someone while being vulnerable enough to allow them to truly know us. That is what I see when I look at Jesus, a man who went deeper.

In 2020 we, like most other organizations, faced adversity. Programs we once facilitated ceased. Efforts that were growing became stifled, and strides forward were cut back…or so it seemed. 

In hindsight, I now see through a different lens. Yes, programs were pruned.  Yes, we saw a huge decrease in block party attendance.  But… (and I love when God interjects “but” into our story!) What came from the pruning was an incredible, rich, fruitful depth of relationship with our neighbors that, until this year, we had only dreamed of. While we love having hundreds of people show up to block parties, this season of scaled back ministry has paved the way for us to go deeper relationally with people who look different than us, talk different than us, and have different views than we do. 

See, the block parties enabled us to meet our neighbors in the community, but by the program’s very nature, made growing depth difficult as we served the masses. 

Now, looking back, we wouldn’t change a thing. This season has brought us to a place where people who were once acquaintances are now family. Instead of a passing “Hi”, there are now hugs. Instead of just giving a box of food, we now share meals around our dinner tables…safely, of course! Phone calls are exchanged, text messages checking in on one another is normal, and we have come to a place where we do life alongside one another.

One of my favorite things about ADC is seeing an incredibly diverse harmony in ministry. In a climate where racial and political tension seeks to divide, through Jesus, we are seeing diversity (in every sense of the word) and furthering God’s kingdom in our community.

Why? First, and foremost because God is absolutely amazing and has a seat at the table for people of all walks of life. Secondly, I believe, is because God has called us to go deeper than the surface in our neighborhood. 

The neighbors we have served for the last three years have names, they have stories, they have fears, hurts, and worries. They stand, they fall, they love, they’ve lost, they struggle, they overcome. I identify with them in so many ways. 

The reality is, though we may differ in some or many ways, at the end of the day, we really aren’t that different at all. We all fall short, but still find ourselves as children of an incredible Father who extends more love, grace, and mercy than we could ever deserve. 

When we come to a place of allowing love to overcome our fears, we come to a place of depth, a place where God can do incredible things.

Go deep my friends!

Rusty Nottingham
Akron Dream Center
Founding Director
