Posts tagged Saved
Peyton Beeching // Testimony

My grandparents have been a large part of this church, and I couldn’t think of a better way to make them proud than to take steps to further my relationship with God. They have recently passed away, hugely impacting my life over the past two years. I have gotten back into attending church, which has completely changed my outlook on life. I want to grow my relationship with God and help others do the same. I have never been baptized, and I am ready to give my life to Jesus at this time and place.

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Jeffery Martin // Testimony

I thank God and Leslie for all they have done for me, and I’m turning it all around because of Jesus. You can say I was born with it; my mother and father were also alcoholics. I was born a preemie baby and wasn’t expected to live; that is when Jesus came into my life. He rescued me and let me live another day on his earth, then and now.

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Lori Jenkins // Testimony

My kids are grown, I live alone, and I go to work and come home to an empty house. Alone with my thoughts, I began seeing what God has done for me in the past 12 years since I got released from prison. Even though no employer would give me a job, I feel as though society will punish me for the rest of my life, and I was afraid of becoming homeless because with no way to pay my bills…little things would happen that would give me just enough money to keep a roof over my head and my utilities on. I know that was God looking out for me, nobody else. And I knew I needed to find a church to go to in person and thank him for carrying me. 

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Donald Sedlock // Testimony

I was not baptized as a child. I never felt totally connected to or officially belonged to a church. I kind of bounced around from church to church in my 20s and early 30s. However, I always appreciated Pastor Brenda's preaching and the good things Cornerstone was doing in the community. 

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Kenadie Watson // Testimony

I'd like to say thank you to all the people who helped me find my faith again. I wouldn't be where I am now without them. I know that I will be supported by people who will love me, encourage me, and challenge me to grow in my faith.
Most importantly, I'm getting baptized because I have placed my faith in Jesus and will follow Him wherever He leads.

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Lauren Shubert // Testimony

As soon as I saw the tenderness in the eyes of the character of Jesus, I saw something I had been missing my entire life and didn’t want to go another day without. That feeling haunted me and followed me. A few days later I told Kevin that I still had so many questions and doubted my ability to hold up God’s standards. He told me God just wanted my heart and that I don’t have to have all of the answers, but at some point, I’ll have to decide to either follow Him or not. 

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Makayla Franklin // Testimony

My mom has always talked to me about Jesus since I was little. I asked Jesus into my heart when I was very young. Growing up, I didn't go to church much, but I always prayed when I needed God because I always felt He was there. As I've gotten older and as I have become a teenager. I've been dealing with some anxiety and depression recently, but I have turned to Him with it. I know now that I need HIM more than ever; the hard times become easier the closer I get to Him.

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Aimee James // Testimony

I asked Jesus to be in my heart when I was a little girl. He has always been a part of my life but it was an on/off relationship. After five years of being part of Cornerstone, I've decided to take the next step in my faith.
Life before Jesus was unsure. Lots of unanswered questions and events would waver my faith. When I made that decision to come to Cornerstone, I was looking for a Savior.

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Ben Chouinard // Life Impact

How could my story help anyone else in their quest to become more like Christ? Could my story help others to be more loving and caring? How could my story help someone see that living to be more like Jesus is all about being a Christian? Now, I still can't answer that question. However, I will tell my story, at least the short version of what Jesus' love and grace have done for me in my life.

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Kendra Wriston // Testimony

I knew of God’s promises to me, but I couldn’t see anything beyond or different than where I was. The past was too painful, the present was unbearable, and I saw no attainable future. Being frustrated and exhausted from all the physical and emotional battles, grieving declared my defeat.

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Rebecca Nicolson // Testimony

…nothing was enough to bring me peace. The challenges continued and it was a cycle on repeat. Various situations would cause me to constantly question and have continuous doubt. It has been debilitating. I always wondered and questioned, “Why me? Why are things always this difficult?” One final situation set the stage for change to be put in motion. I know in order for me to be the best for myself, for my daughter, for my marriage, career, family - all of those relationships - I needed to turn to God. This is why I am here now.

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