Posts tagged Giving
Tara Seeman // Life Impact

Still just on top of the world after an amazing church weekend! I attend services only online for the time being, but I had the opportunity to attend 2 in-person events this weekend, and my heart is SO full! On Saturday, we had a mental health event geared at bringing hope to those who are hurting this holiday season. It was enlightening and beautiful! Last night was an event called MP Nite, where ministry partners (those giving of their time, talent, and treasure in and for the church) were filled up with gratitude from our pastor, comedy/fun from some of our youngest ministry partners, and unbelievable worship in song! This worship - let me tell you - when you are surrounded by givers, doers, workers, and those who are SO on fire for Christ -- it is just the most powerful, amazing, life moving experience…

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Annie Thomas // Life Impact

This past year, Clara was diagnosed with autism. Then I lost one of my best friends in an awful accident. On top of starting a new job (which I love! But working in HR, in a hospital, in a pandemic- when things are just is not for the faint of heart! ) and then I was going just a little crazy from being an extrovert who suddenly was home all the time…

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Cindy Beech // Testimony


The truth is, God doesn't need my money. He wants my heart. All of it! And once I finally gave it to Him a major paradigm shift took place that astonished me. I blew right past being a cheerful giver. (I read somewhere how God likes that.) I was suddenly downright GIDDY in a way that I cannot explain even now!

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