Elizabeth Labbe // Life Impact

Listen, we (I) am always complaining about things gone wrong, but rarely do we (I) acknowledge when things gone wrong actually go right. I want to throw some positivity out there today.

Last week....

We all know how the mornings go when the phone dies, we forget to set the alarm, or alarm doesn't go off. I went to sleep playing my bible and the darn thing died. I should have been late to work.

But God....I woke up at 5 am and realized it, was able to charge it and start my day.

Then follows....traffic every day on 224. This day, there was none. Gas that you should have gotten the day before because today it’s 30 cents more.

But God… I caught the last gas station to increase that day and filled up for 30 cents less.

Then this..... going into the garage to start the car and the lights had been on all night. Who's going to jump me, because I know this thing isn't going to start and my neighbor has already left for the day.

But God... It started right up.

And lastly, I never talk about my finances publicly but today I will share all of what Jesus has done for me.

EVERY MONTH...my expenses always exceed my income.....but God!!!!!!

I'm not boasting about the fact that I tithe on autopay every week, but I do. I trusted Him in this as this is only thing He says we can test Him in. He has provided. He always provides. He is a Good Good Father!!!!! Today, I am publicly sharing His goodness for me in hopes that as you review your day, week, month, and year, you can see His goodness for you.

With thankful hearts Lord, we will give thanks always, in all circumstances. And when we don't Lord, place people around us who will help direct us back to acknowledging just how good you have been to us.

Let's focus on His goodness!!!