Jim Ring // Testimony

COVID and pain, the perfect storm.

For those directly affected by COVID, I don't want to downplay your problems or make light of the virus at all. But it has been a time of great healing and growth for me. All of my Christian life, I've had a conflict with the love and grace of God, being loved by anyone, especially God. I know well enough to know that I don't deserve either. And the thought of God loving someone like me, no way!

When COVID first hit, I was warned by the VA to quarantine the best that I could because of the scar tissue in my lungs. My good friend, Dick Baldwin, was told the same thing due to his health conditions. This posed a problem because we are both very extroverted, social people. So we limited our exposure time to just the two of our wives and us.

Our long-time friendship turned into a true brotherhood. Dick and I became transparent about our weaknesses, conflicts, struggles with our thought lives, spiritual warfare, and just being fallen, broken humans. I began to make Psalm 51 a daily prayer every morning. God answered that prayer BIG!

God began to show me areas of my life that I believed I had already dealt with that weren't fully healed. God showed me the pride, hardness of heart, judgmental attitude that I still held onto. I was deceived into thinking that I was fine in these areas. Dick and I talked about what God was showing us personally in His word. The Holy Spirit was ministering to us daily. I have grown more in peace and my spiritual life in the last six months than in the previous years as a Christ-follower. With the combination of COVID and severe pain, it slowed me down enough to "Be still and know that He is God." That it is FINISHED! Jim Ring has no part in his salvation other than FAITH in God that He is faithful to what He said.

Dick is only six years older than me, but he has been in Christ for a lot longer. He has a very intimate relationship with Christ, which I lacked because of unbelief. We have very similar past and life experiences, which has helped me navigate my wounded heart.

God took a long-time friend and made him a spiritual father to me. This is the pattern that God has ordained. Jesus said, "Go and make disciples, not converts. Our Sunday Equip Men's group has become a hospital for the hurting. These men have become transparent because of the safe environment that has been provided for them.

Planet Fitness isn't the only "No judgment zone." We see other men set free partly because of the freedom Christ has manifested in us to be transparent in our sin struggle.

So, I thank God for debilitating pain and COVID because that is what it took to slow me down enough to be still and KNOW that He is God. And that IT IS FINISHED. I thank God for the fellowship of brothers to encourage one another on this narrow path that leads to life abundantly.

It is finished! Amazing Grace.