Josh Minnich // Testimony

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I was saved when I was young, a common story for folks raised in the church. And just as common, I was uncertain of my salvation and was 'resaved' or rededicated myself a dozen times or more as a kid.

​I was baptized when I was 8, I remember the interviews and classes with our pastor, I remember knowing all the answers, wanting to move the knowledge from my head to action. What I had missed, was heart…

​I knew who Jesus was, who God was, and that I believed in them, and I recall many moments of true faith. Christ showing up despite my deficiency.

​Heart was thing I was missing, because for most of my life mine was broken. I hated myself, was taught that there was something fundamentally wrong with me, intentionally or not. I struggled with self-loathing and depression for two decades.

​It wasn’t until we had been going to Cornerstone for a little while, maybe six months, that I began to see real victory on those fronts. I started to truly hear what was being preached, I remember sermons about who I was in God’s sight, that the God I followed, and the Jesus I had loved was not the source of my shame. That I was capable of great things, and I could be the person I always “wanted” to be, that my fears could not hold me back unless I let them define me.

​ In a whirlwind of a few years, I began to accept myself as God made me, a whole person, no longer afraid of the vibrant hues with which the Creator painted. I began to serve, I found a community with my production teammates and a joy in giving back to the God that has loved me, and a church that has brought me a new chapter of my faith, and wonderful accepting family.

​ God rescued me, through Cornerstone, and I will be forever grateful.

Josh Minnich