Cornerstone Church

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Maryellen Schul // Testimony


I have known Jesus all my life. I was raised from birth in the Catholic church by two very loving, devout parents. I spent 12 years in Catholic school and learned everything I was "supposed to." As an adult, I had periods in my life when I was active in the church community and periods when I was less active.

I always struggled with what I was supposed to do, what boxes I needed to check - and when I wasn't checking those boxes, I felt guilty. I knew something was missing, but if I kept doing what I thought I should do, things would turn out, right? I had many struggles in my adult life and I would pray for the Lord to help me, but something was always missing.

I tried to fill these holes in my soul with other things. But to no avail. Honestly, the time I first walked through the doors of Cornerstone Church, I thought I was doing alright as far as God and I were concerned. But He had other plans.

My first experience with Cornerstone was through the DivorceCare group. I attended to help a friend out who was going through a divorce. When the DivorceCare class ended, I reluctantly began attending Cornerstone on Sundays. Beginning with Christmas Eve services, I felt drawn to the Lord through Cornerstone.

In the past 2.5 years, since that group, I have let God become an active part of my life, everyday. I no longer checkboxes to prove I have faith. Instead, I let God guide me and walk with me step by step. There are challenges and struggles. I often don't feel worthy of what He asks me to do or even brave enough to do it. But, I have learned that those are the times when He wants to stretch me outside of my comfort zone and do great things for me. All I have to do is trust Him.

I am living, breathing proof that faith happens in circles, not rows. We DO NOT have to do life alone!