“God Hates You” // Discussion with the Devil

Life’s all about you, right? Aren’t you the main character? After all, when you leave a room, the camera follows you! When the Devil starts a discussion, one of the first things he does is put a spotlight on us...he wants us to believe life is all about US. And if we fall into his trap and believe his lie, we miss the meaning of life—living for something outside self.

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“It’s All About You” // Discussion with the Devil

Life’s all about you, right? Aren’t you the main character? After all, when you leave a room, the camera follows you! When the Devil starts a discussion, one of the first things he does is put a spotlight on us...he wants us to believe life is all about US. And if we fall into his trap and believe his lie, we miss the meaning of life—living for something outside self.

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“Did God Really Say?” // Discussion with the Devil

It all started back in the Garden. The original lie from the Devil that sent the human race on a downward spiral of sin and shame. And that original lie still manifests itself today: “Did God really say?” Our Enemy wants us to question everything from God. His goodness, His love, His character. But as we trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth, He will do just that—and in the process, He will help us refute one of the most tempting lies of the Devil.

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Build the Altar, Bring the Ark // Banner Year Weekend

At Cornerstone, we believe every year is a banner year. We praise God for His goodness in our past, and we advance with confidence into our future. We echo the words of Samuel the prophet: “Thus far, the Lord has helped us.” And today, as we mark Year Two of renewed ministry, we believe we’re barely scratching the surface of what God will do in our church.

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Work While You Wait // Come & See

There tends to be two strategies when it comes to extending the “Come & See” invitation. It’s either “Push Jesus in the conversation!” or “Pray for Jesus to ‘pop up’ in the conversation!” But what if it’s not “either/or?” What if it’s “and?” The fact is that God wants both. So while we wait for opportunities to testify to God’s goodness, we work as a witness to God’s goodness.

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The “I” In Testify // Come & See

In legal proceedings, a witness is called to testify to the facts of a case. They’re instructed not to speculate, but to simply give an account for what they’ve experienced. Did you know the same is true for followers of Jesus? We don’t need to argue for God, because God doesn’t need an attorney. God will handle the arguments for Himself—all He asks is for our account.

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Hope Because He Hears // Summer Mixtape: A Playlist of the Psalms

Where do you run when you need safety? Who do you go when you need refuge? When the hard times come, we all go to somewhere or to something. But what if we started going to Someone? How would our life change—especially the challenging moments—if God truly became our source of refuge?

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A Quiet Place & A Quiet Pace // Summer Mixtape: A Playlist of the Psalms // Read

Scripture says, “Truly my soul finds rest in God.” It’s a beautiful concept in theory—to rest in God—but in reality? It sounds so abstract. What does it actually look like to find rest in God? Can I even afford to rest in today’s fast-paced culture? The answers to these questions point us to the truth that there’s more to it than just finding a quiet resting place in God, but learning a quiet resting pace from God.

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A Quiet Place & A Quiet Pace // Summer Mixtape: A Playlist of the Psalms

Scripture says, “Truly my soul finds rest in God.” It’s a beautiful concept in theory—to rest in God—but in reality? It sounds so abstract. What does it actually look like to find rest in God? Can I even afford to rest in today’s fast-paced culture? The answers to these questions point us to the truth that there’s more to it than just finding a quiet resting place in God, but learning a quiet resting pace from God.

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Better Than Bitcoin // Summer Mixtape: A Playlist of the Psalms

Have you ever made a bad investment? Put your trust and faith in something that just didn’t pan now? Of course you have…we all have. A career, a relationship—we invest our time, talent, and treasure…and then the bottom falls out. But the good news is that here is an investment we can make that will never give a bad return. And we can start today.

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