“It’s All About You” // Discussion with the Devil

Do you ever talk to yourself? If so, don’t worry! It’s totally normal. In fact, a recent poll found that 97% of people admitted to self-talk. We talk to ourselves to debate a decision, to think through ideas, to give ourselves a pep talk. Some people actually engage in self-talk to create a “presence” around them—something that makes them feel like they aren’t alone. But...what if we’re not alone? What if there is a “presence” around us, but not one that we created? You see, sometimes the voice that we hear isn’t “self”, but something more sinister. Scripture tells us that our Enemy is the Father of Lies—and he is not an idle opponent. He is an active force, feeding us falsehood after falsehood to disrupt God’s work in our lives. But we’re not helpless in our discussion with the Devil. We can answer every lie that the Enemy throws our way with timeless truth from God. We can combat the fear, shame, and hopelessness at every turn. And we can make sure that the Devil never gets the last word.

Life’s all about you, right? Aren’t you the main character? After all, when you leave a room, the camera follows you! When the Devil starts a discussion, one of the first things he does is put a spotlight on us...he wants us to believe life is all about US. And if we fall into his trap and believe his lie, we miss the meaning of life—living for something outside self.