Posts tagged Building Campaign Update
Building Campaign Update // 4

On October 16 & 17, 2021, we hosted our first full weekend of worship gatherings. Saturday evening services are creating more time and space for those who are finding the Father, a family, and a fulfilling future at Cornerstone. And it's been just over six months since we launched our Here & Now Campaign, so we celebrated by revealing the exterior design plans for our new building! Our Cornerstone Family had an incredible time of worship together, praising God for who he is, what he has done, and what he is going to do! He is the Waymaker, Miracle-worker, Promise-keeper -- and he is on the move!

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Building Campaign Update // 3

God is doing some phenomenal work through our stewards, through our faithful givers at Cornerstone. It has been so inspiring, exciting, and faith-building to be a part of this campaign so far. And we’re nowhere near done yet! We’re just three months in, but we wanted to share with the amazing things God has done so far! The impact we've seen has already been incredible, so take a moment to watch the video below. Don't forget - it’s never too late to help build His church!

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Building Campaign Update // 2

It's been a few weeks since the launch of our “Here & Now” campaign, and we’re still running off the high that God provided during our Commitment and First Fruits weekends! We saw God move in our church in a mighty way as we prayed, believed, and committed to partner with Him for a miracle in our midst. And Church, God is already moving and working—and he’s doing it through us. Did you know that right now we have well over 100 families, couples, or individuals who have already given to our campaign? And that the total amount of donations already in hand is over $100,000? How amazing is that?! We are well on our way to seeing our new building come into realization. God is working miracles in the here and now, and He’s just getting started! As we’ve said and as we believe—the best isn’t yet to’s here and now!

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Building Campaign Update // 1

We’re in the final week of our ‘Here & Now’ teaching series, and we’re gearing up as a church to make our financial commitments on March 14. Work is already underway, as Construction Team Management—the group hired to design and build our new facility—was onsite on March 5. They met with staff leadership, and began the initial steps of assessing our current facility and property.

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