Michelle Higgins // Life Impact


So I did a thing yesterday. My first new car ever. I would have never believed you if you told me 2 years ago that I would be ok and make it through this season of life with a stronger relationship with my savior Jesus Christ. Even though these have been some of the hardest times that I have ever been through, I am thankful for them. Without God, my children, and Cornerstone Church I'm not sure I would have made it. My faith grows stronger every day. But don't get me wrong, I am not perfect. God is still working on me. But I know that he accepts me right where I am even when I may take a step in the wrong direction. I'm not sure who needs to hear this but someone but I'm sure that someone does because I don't usually post things like this. I'm trying to listen to God more. We go through seasons of life to help others. So if you are looking for a place to belong just as you are Cornerstone Church will help you find a Father, a Family, and a Fulfilling Future. Thank you, God, for all that I am, all that I have, and all that you have in store for me in the future. Amen