Cornerstone Church

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Alicia Andrews // Life Impact

Today I was baptized again and I thought I'd like to make a post about the goodness of God. The first time I was baptized in high school I'm not sure I understood the depth of the commitment I was making or how deep the symbol was. Shortly after I walked away from God and lived how I wanted and the shame of it tormented me. This week God showed me that I could choose to make the decision again because the commitment to him was genuine and he was already working in my life. Today I showed the whole world what was already being done in my life and that God is at the center of my life. He is my source nothing else can take his place. Thank you, Lord, for you your unwavering goodness, and for the rest of my life I will be known as your child no matter what enemies may be against me they cannot take away what you have done for me. This is my declaration that I have been raised to live with you and I'm forever your daughter. Like David, I will be a woman after your own heart. I love you, Jesus!