Dawn & Rob Winters // Testimony



November 9, 2012, our wedding day! God joined us as one flesh and one family. Our relationship in dating life was easy. We spent much of our time being great friends, laughing and supporting each other in just about every way. We were excited to put our family and our lives together. It wasn’t perfect, there were a few areas that we had much trouble in but all in all we moved forward in marriage. We valued purity and waited until marriage for true intimacy.

Our perfect family picture didn’t reflect our truth. We wish we could say we navigated the last eight years of marriage better than it played out. There were many insecurities and areas in each of us that God needed to heal and grow. In the early part of our marriage, adjusting to married life was harder than we both thought it would be. We both have very strong personalities and strong preferences. It was easy to lose sight of God’s Will and the bigger picture when things weren’t going our way. We fought a lot and we fought loud. Our kids watched closely as we made a mess of the family God gave us. It broke our hearts. We needed God to lead and Lord our lives. Ron Deal, author of Smart Stepfamilies says it takes seven years to blend a family and every bit of this true. We say this as a plea to be patient in the waiting and in the storm, and because we know what happens when we do.

God worked in both of us to heal our raw wounds, individually. We chose forgiveness for the hurt and pain we caused each other. We asked our kids for forgiveness too. We started praying and have never stopped. God is teaching us what love looks like. God’s love is sacrificial and patient. We wondered what that would look like in our marriage, then we tried it. It’s no wonder peace is born from loving others in this way. “While I’m on this road you take my hand. Somehow you really love who I really am. I push you away, still you won’t let go. You grow your roses on my barren soul.” - Who am I by NEEDTOBREATHE.

God held on to us and we held on to each other, and for that we are so grateful. God made a way to turn our biggest problem into our biggest gift and blessing. We celebrate every single day for all that we have and we thank Jesus for meeting our every single need. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Praise God!