Unity Is Our Calling Card // This Is How We Change The World // Read

Browns fans and Steelers fans. Dog people and Cat people. Republicans and Democrats. There are divisions everywhere, but they have no place in our Church. In Jesus, we have a God who is “Yes!” and “Amen!” - and we too will be known for what we’re for, not what we’re against.

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Unity Is Our Calling Card // This Is How We Change The World

Browns fans and Steelers fans. Dog people and Cat people. Republicans and Democrats. There are divisions everywhere, but they have no place in our Church. In Jesus, we have a God who is “Yes!” and “Amen!” - and we too will be known for what we’re for, not what we’re against.

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Long Live the King // This Is How We Change the World // Read

Jesus is our King, and everything we do flows out of that truth. It’s not about us. It’s about him. We’re here to make Jesus famous and be coworkers in helping the Lord’s Prayer come to fruition: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
Long live the King.

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Long Live the King // This Is How We Change the World

Jesus is our King, and everything we do flows out of that truth. It’s not about us. It’s about him. We’re here to make Jesus famous and be coworkers in helping the Lord’s Prayer come to fruition: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”
Long live the King.

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This is (Not) The End

Well, we made it. It’s the last Sunday of 2020. This stressful, anxiety, fear-filled year is coming to an end. And at the same time...it’s not. You see, nothing magical happens just because the calendar flips to January 1, 2021. The dysfunctions, sins, and bad habits that drug you down in 2020 don’t know that the calendar changed, and they don’t care. Life is marathon, and we must be diligent in our discipline day-by-day, running our race with purpose and intention.

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Taylor PoeComment
Accepted is Expected // Divine Detours

We know that we put expectations on other people, and they put expectations on us. And we know that we put expectations on God...but does he put expectations on us? You may be thinking, “If so, he’s going to really need to edit his expectations, because I know I can’t live up to whatever he has in mind!” However, what if what God expects isn’t for us to be flawless, but to simply be faithful?

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Caitlyn McCraryComment
He Had to Go // Divine Detours

“Isn’t God supposed to come through for me? This isn’t what I expected.” We’ve all been here before—wondering why things are so hard and why God isn’t delivering like he should. But when we put our faith in God, we can trust that the detours he leads us on are divinely inspired, and that they will ultimately lead to the outcome we would choose if we knew what he knows.

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Caitlyn McCraryComment
The "Mess" in Messiah // Divine Detours

You don’t have to live very long to realize that other people will have expectations for you. They will expect you to look, talk, act, and live a certain way. And if you’re not careful, you may find yourself adjusting your life to live up to other’s expectations. But true fulfillment is not found by editing your life for the approval of others, but by living life for an audience of One.

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Taylor PoeComment
Maury & Joseph // Divine Detours

We have expectations for the people around us—that they will react a certain way, that they will build us up, that they will fulfill our needs. But of course, no one can actually live up to all the lofty expectations we set. And when they don’t, relationships get ruined. So, what can we do to edit our expectations to find true fulfillment in our relationships?

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Caitlyn McCraryComment
Gratitude & Gains // Thank It to the Bank

As we “mint and spend” the currency of gratitude to God and to the people in our life, we see a miracle take place. Not only do we never go bankrupt—we become richer! God takes our spirit of gratitude and works with it to transform the way we see everything in our life, giving us a priceless outlook that no amount of money in the world can buy. That is the power of gratitude.

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Caitlyn McCraryComment
Quid Pro Quo // Thank It to the Bank

Gratitude isn’t thank you notes or fruit baskets. It’s not something that we can check off a to-do list. It’s a way of life that is birthed by recognizing all God has done for us. But do we recognize God’s goodness by just “paying him back?” No! Like any good father, God wants us to “spend” our love and show our gratitude to his children—the people he’s placed in our lives.

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Caitlyn McCraryComment
You, Not a View // A Better Country

“Republicans are racist! Democrats are criminals!” Elections are all about labels and identities. But the fact is, as citizens of the Kingdom, we aren’t Democrats or Republicans. We’re followers of the King. And Jesus’ kingdom ethic gives us our true identity, and it points us to the common ground we have with brothers and sisters on the other side of the political aisle.

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Taylor PoeComment