Don't Stop Until You Are Finished // The Last Arrow

When you come to the end of your life, you will not measure your life event by event. All of these will blur into a single memory called life. What will matter is that you lived life with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, giving it all you have. We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. The choice is yours. Will you shoot them all?

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Taylor PoeComment
Direction, Not Intention // Wisdom

Bad decisions made with good intentions are still bad decisions. It’s not intentions that matter; it’s actions. We are what we do and say, not what we intend. Our direction, not intentions, hopes, dreams, prayers, beliefs, intellect, or education, determines our destination. We all end up somewhere in life. Why not end up somewhere on purpose?

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Get Wisdom // Wisdom

“Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid.” Rough language, but true. All through history and his relationships with people, God urges us to get wisdom. How can we? How will we recognize it when we see it? Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. Wisdom knows what the facts mean and how to apply them. You could be the smartest person in the world and still be a fool. Anyone can gain knowledge, but only God can give you wisdom.

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How We Know // Better than the Bible

Are you ever afraid someone will ask you why you believe what you believe? Do you fear someone might question what you believe? Responding to people's questions and challenges can get complicated. But what if you were confident you had the answer to the most important question about your faith? What if you could actually share a convincing faith in a cynical world? Our faith is solidly based on so much more than you might think! Let’s figure it out together!

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