Posts tagged Give and Serve
Pearls, Sheep & Coins // This Is How We Change The World

We all have preferences, and there is nothing wrong with that.
The issue is when preferences become our primary instead of people.
Just look at Jesus. He sacrificed his privilege and preference to pursue us.
We as a Church will do the same as we pursue people far from God.

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Second-Mile Generosity // This Is How We Change The World // REad

The Church of Jesus Christ should be the most generous group of people on Earth. We will follow the example of our King, who held back nothing to rescue us. Our time, talent, and treasure are cheerfully given to expand the Kingdom of God and to impact our communities.

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Second-Mile Generosity // This Is How We Change The World

The Church of Jesus Christ should be the most generous group of people on Earth. We will follow the example of our King, who held back nothing to rescue us. Our time, talent, and treasure are cheerfully given to expand the Kingdom of God and to impact our communities.

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