Hashtags | #GiveandServe

These days most everyone is familiar with social media hashtags. These are the pound signs followed by a phrase that allows easy identification of a theme or message. If Jesus used hashtags, how would he label his messages concerning our resource management?

If you made a hashtag of Jesus’ formula for a powerfully impacting life it would read #giveandserve.

Message Notes

If you made a hashtag of Jesus’ formula for a powerfully impacting life, it would read #giveandserve.

We were made for #giveandserve.

John 6 | Matthew 14

#giveandserve allows us to discover what we can do.  

#giveandserve allows us to experience miracles.

#giveandserve keeps us close to Jesus.

#giveandserve helps us discover satisfaction and significance.

#giveandserve puts us on powerful teams.

#giveandserve increases our faith.