Come Hell or High Water

Did you know that every single New Year, almost every person on Earth believes it’s “going to be their year?” But take a guess at how many people actually get to midnight on December 31 happy with where they are at? Yeah…not many. And the difference between the people who seize their year and the people who squander their year can really be summed up in one word: Nevertheless. Those who seize the year to come are steadfast and persistent—a bad experience, a difficult person, a rough financial patch—they don’t allow it to throw them off course. And that’s good news for all of us! Because that means winning in 2024 is completely in my hands, because winning in 2024 is about a mindset. It’s time for us to settle in and buckle up, trusting that no matter what comes our way, God is going to do something amazing in us and through us this year—come Hell or high water.

Part 1

January 7

The Necessity of Nevertheless

“This is going to be my year!” I know, you’ve said that before…but things went south and the year fell flat...or did it? Maybe the year didn’t fall flat—your persistence fell flat. But it’s a new year and it’s a new day. Don’t let the lows of 2024 dictate what kind of year it’s going to be. It’s time to develop “Nevertheless Faith”—a faith that stays strong, come Hell or high water.

Romans 8:35-37 & John 16:31-33

Part 2

January 14

You Do You, I’ll Do Me

There’s one variable that will be more unpredictable than any other this year. Any guesses on what it is? Or should I say—who it is? You see, the biggest obstacle to “Nevertheless Faith” will be the people in your life—their words, their actions. So how will you respond to the people in your life? Decide it today: “I won’t let who they are determine who I’ll be.”

Romans 8:35-37 & Genesis 49:1-2, 22-25

Part 3

January 21

It’s Always a Winning Hand

Ready for a hard truth? Someone else out there is winning with the same hand you’ve been dealt. Ouch…I know. But it’s true. Someone out there in the world has a similar family with similar history in a similar town with similar setbacks...but they’re winning. And guess  what? You can, too. It doesn’t matter what hand you’re dealt. You can find a way to win.

Romans 8:35-37 & Luke 14:15-24

Part 4

January 28

After Further Review

When the ruling on the field looks questionable in an NFL game, coaches are able to throw a Challenge Flag—telling the officiating crew that in spite of the call, they want to appeal their case. In Jesus Christ, we have a Mediator who makes our appeal for us—and in the Holy Spirit? We have a Guide who can help turn our negative calls into game-winning plays.

Romans 8:35-37 & John 11:17-26