You Have Arrived at Your Destination // Fake (Good) News

Has anyone ever told you they have good news—but then they start talking? And as they do, you realize this “good news” isn’t actually that GOOD. That’s what happened 2,000 years  ago at a church in the city of Galatia. The Good News of the Gospel message was being distorted and mangled into something different—something that was not the Gospel. In an effort to fight this fake news, the Apostle Paul wrote that church a letter, calling them back to the true Gospel…a letter we know as the biblical book of Galatians. Now here we are 2,000 years later, and Paul’s call back to the centrality of the Gospel is as timely today as it was then—a much-needed reminder of why the Gospel is Good News.

The Law of God. 613 commands given to Moses for the people of Israel to follow. And not just them, but all of God’s people…right? Do we follow the Law or did Jesus fulfill the Law? This is one of the biggest and oldest debates in the Christian faith. And how we answer this question determines whether we will experience the Good News or the Fake (Good) News.

Galatians 2:19-21; Galatians 3:1-4, 10-14, 19-25 & Galatians 5:1-4

Jessica YoungComment