The Hurry in Our Worry // The Sunday Scaries

It’s been a perfect weekend. Everything went better than you could’ve hoped. In fact, you don’t want it to end…and that’s when it hits you—Monday is coming. Suddenly, a sense of impending doom invades your thoughts, and your mind begins to race with deadlines, responsibilities, and challenges that lie in the week ahead. This feeling is called "The Sunday Scaries"—a very real phenomenon in our culture. But let’s be honest...your anxiety and worry don’t only go to work on Sunday nights. They can strike at any time and any place. And to be the people that God designed us to be, we can’t always live in the grip of our fear and worry. It’s time for us to break free from “The Sunday Scaries” and inject hope and confidence into our lives.

We live in some wild times. We’re available 24/7 on our smartphones. We have little to no work/life balance as a result of remote work. We know everything about everyone due to social media…I mean, is it any wonder why we’re anxious and worried? The good news is it doesn't have to stay that way if we follow the non-anxious and unworried way of Jesus.