That You May Believe // Without Any Doubt

The Greek word “eidō” is one of the most used words in the Book of John, appearing over two dozen times. It means: “to know without any doubt.” So it’s clear that the writer of this Gospel, the Apostle John, wants his readers to be sure of the point he’s trying to get across, which he articulates in the closing words of his account: “...this has been written so that you may believe [without any doubt] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that by believing you may have life in His name.” Now, it’s no secret many of us struggle with doubt—doubt about God, the future, our place in the world. And that doubt can be debilitating and overwhelming. But it’s in the midst of that doubt that God wants to point us to the solid foundation that we can know and build our lives on—without any doubt.

God doesn’t want us to hold to a blind faith. God wants us to have a “without any doubt” faith. A faith that can stand up to any power of Hell or scheme of man. And such a faith can be built. You don’t have to throw away your logic or intellect to put your confidence in Jesus. As John remarks, his account is written so that we may believe—without any doubt.

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