Posts tagged 2 corinthians 5
Nothing Given, Everything Earned // Here & Now

We’ve looked to the future, we know it’s on us, and we have confidence that God will provide. That leaves us with just one more thing to do as we build our future in the present—move! The time for preparation is over. A fulfilling future won’t be handed to us on a silver platter. As a famous native son of Northeast Ohio once said, “Nothing is given, everything is earned.” Do we truly want the blessings that God has for us? They can be ours—and not “someday” off in the distant future—but right here and now. All we have to do is move.

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Nothing Given, Everything Earned // Here & Now // Read

We’ve looked to the future, we know it’s on us, and we have confidence that God will provide. That leaves us with just one more thing to do as we build our future in the present—move! The time for preparation is over. A fulfilling future won’t be handed to us on a silver platter. As a famous native son of Northeast Ohio once said, “Nothing is given, everything is earned.” Do we truly want the blessings that God has for us? They can be ours—and not “someday” off in the distant future—but right here and now. All we have to do is move.

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Ravens, Oil, Fire & Food // Here & Now // Read

Trusting God in the here and now is easier said than done. That’s because God isn’t the only one that requires my present attention. Hectic schedules, mounting can I give God my time, talent, and treasure in the here and now - and still have anything left in the here and now? If I step out in audacious faith and give generously, will God see me through—not just in some distant future—but in the midst of my present sacrifices?

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Ravens, Oil, Fire & Food // Here & Now

Trusting God in the here and now is easier said than done. That’s because God isn’t the only one that requires my present attention. Hectic schedules, mounting can I give God my time, talent, and treasure in the here and now - and still have anything left in the here and now? If I step out in audacious faith and give generously, will God see me through—not just in some distant future—but in the midst of my present sacrifices?

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No One Else Is Coming // Here & Now // Read

Most fairy tales follow the same narrative—a princess locked in a tower, a dragon imprisoning her, and a brave hero coming to save the day. In those stories, the princess doesn’t need to do anything. Just sit back and wait. But what if there was no prince coming to the rescue? What if her freedom and future rested in her deciding to take action? In our lives, more often than not, there is no one else coming. It’s on each of us to take charge of ourselves and act, trusting that God will be with us as we fight for our future.

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On Your Mark // Here & Now // Read

When runners line up for a race, the first thing they do is find their mark. This mark, often a line drawn across the track, provides a starting point for the runners—and in the case of the 400m race—it’s also the finish line. As runners take their place at the line, they’re simultaneously standing at the start and finish of the race. Cornerstone is following suit, as we get on our mark and see how what God has for us in the future is attainable through our faith in the present.

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On Your Mark // Here & Now

When runners line up for a race, the first thing they do is find their mark. This mark, often a line drawn across the track, provides a starting point for the runners—and in the case of the 400m race—it’s also the finish line. As runners take their place at the line, they’re simultaneously standing at the start and finish of the race. Cornerstone is following suit, as we get on our mark and see how what God has for us in the future is attainable through our faith in the present.

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