Politics in the Pews // Talking Elephants & Tipping Cows

You know those topics that are taboo? The topics that polite conversations avoid? The topics that we’re all thinking about it, but we’re not talking about—especially at church? Yeah...we’re going there. Politics, sex, alcohol, suicide, hell, suffering. We’re talking about all of these “Elephants in the Room” and we might even tip some “Sacred Cows” that have been built up in the process. Now you might be thinking: “This is going to be uncomfortable.” You’re right. It’s going to be uncomfortable...and eye-opening, healing, necessary. There is no better, safer place to discuss these topics than church. So with that in mind...can we talk?

Is there anything more divisive than politics? Political views turn brothers into enemies quicker than almost anything else. Obviously, that shouldn’t be the case. But what’s the appropriate, Christian approach to politics? How do we best engage in public policy, voting, and political discourse? How do we hold political beliefs, honor Jesus, and love others at the same time?

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