Peace In My Problems // The Verse After the Verse

It’s not a stretch to say that some Bible verses loom larger than others. They’re the ones we have hanging on our walls or tattooed on our arms. They’re the verses of Scripture that we love, we memorize, we cling to. But have you ever stopped to consider: “What about the verse after the verse?” I mean, there’s Scripture that immediately follows all of our favorite, most well-known verses. And in many cases, the verse after the verse grants us a deeper understanding of the context and meaning of these well-known passages, and how they apply to our lives. It’s time we stop settling for a sliver of Scripture, and open our minds and spirits to the fullness of God’s message to us through his Word.

Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28 is beautiful—it’s a promise to give rest to all those who come to Him. But Jesus’ idea of “rest” isn’t about taking away the problems of life. It’s about making us stronger and content in Him, despite our circumstances. It’s about the peace that comes when we realize that if our rest is found in God, nothing can disturb it.