How to Fight Your Fear // Something Wicked

It’s coming…something wicked. A dark shadow—lurking just around the corner—waiting for the right moment to attack. And no, it’s not a monster or a’s something far more sinister—Fear. Fear is the killer that comes for us all, looking to rob us of our joy, confidence, and hope for the future. And whether or not fear succeeds in its wicked ways is up to you. So…will you choose to fight or to forfeit? Will you choose faith over fear?

Fear isn’t a pushover. You can’t wish or hope it away—fear must be driven out of your life. It requires work to banish fear from your life…but it’s worth it! The future God has in store for you is dependent on your willingness to work with the Holy Spirit. And as you do, you will see the grip of fear lose ground; giving way to hope and confidence.

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