God Bless the Broken Road // Here & Now Building Our Future In the Present

“The best is yet to come!” This statement has often been a popular rallying cry, especially for the Church. It’s a declaration rooted in the belief that God has great things in store for his people just beyond the horizon. And it’s a sentiment we’ve shared and stated here at Cornerstone...but, not anymore. Of course, we still believe the future is bright. But who has time for what’s to come when we’re too busy being blessed by what is? You see, the best isn’t “yet to come”—it’s here and now! God is on the move, and he is doing a new thing now, in the midst of our present circumstances. Instead of focusing on the future, we’re determined to fix our attention and follow God’s lead, right here and right now.

If you’ve lived for any length of time, you’ve seen your share of hardships. But if you’ve put your trust in Jesus in the midst of those hardships, you’ve also seen God’s faithfulness. In fact, one of the best things we can do in the “here and now” is look back to the “there and then” and see how God used the pressures in our life for our good.