Yes, You May (Always Been Yes) // Permission Slips

pandemic, tumultuous elections, racial and social tensions…it’s been quite a ride. Now generally, January is a time of optimism—people are hopeful, believing the best about the future. But all of that craziness we’ve endured has led to an understandable unease about the upcoming year. You may be one of the millions who are wondering: “Will 2022 really be any different? How can I be confident about my future in the middle of so much uncertainty?” The good news? You don't have to limp into the new year with anxiety. God has given you permission—permission to hope, dream, and believe in the new year. No matter what comes…this year will be your year!

Remember being young and asking for permission to leave the classroom? And then hearing those magic words that granted your request? “Yes, you may.” How would things change in your life if you believed that Jesus has granted you permission to live life to the full? That in fact, Jesus has always led with Yes—not No? God is saying that it’s time to regain your confidence and dream again, because in Jesus, God’s promises are always “Yes and Amen!”

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