1,099 Days Later // “Here & Now” Building Our Future In the Present

We’ve seen God’s faithfulness on full display over the years at Cornerstone. Jesus has taken our hopes and dreams and turned them into reality. So before we take one more step forward into what God has in store for us, we want to take a moment to look back and thank Him for how faithful and how good He has been up to this point. Thank you, Jesus!

Philippians 1:3-6; Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15, Luke 17:20-12

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Jessica YoungComment
Why You Can’t Hustle Holy // Fake (Good) News

Have you ever auditioned for a role? Tried out for a team? Interviewed for a job? If so, you know you had to meet requirements to land the position, to get the spot, or to be hired. But when it comes to salvation in Jesus, the traditional “try harder” mindsets are no more. We don’t pursue holiness to get accepted—we pursue it because we’re already accepted!

Galatians 5:5-6, 13-25

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Jessica YoungComment
You Have Arrived at Your Destination // Fake (Good) News

The Law of God. 613 commands given to Moses for the people of Israel to follow. And not just them, but all of God’s people…right? Do we follow the Law or did Jesus fulfill the Law? This is one of the biggest and oldest debates in the Christian faith. And how we answer this question determines whether we will experience the Good News or the Fake (Good) News.

Galatians 2:19-21; Galatians 3:1-4, 10-14, 19-25 & Galatians 5:1-4

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Jessica YoungComment
Putting the “Good” In “Good News” // Fake (Good) News

If you add a wheel to a bicycle, you suddenly don’t have a bicycle anymore—you now have a tricycle! The process of addition is a process of transformation…and the same is true to Jesus’ Gospel message. The second we begin to add—or take away—from the Good News, we have transformed it into something different, and what we’re left with is not the Gospel.

Galatians 1:6-9 & Galatians 2:1-16

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Jessica YoungComment
After Further Review // Come Hell or High Water

When the ruling on the field looks questionable in an NFL game, coaches are able to throw a Challenge Flag—telling the officiating crew that in spite of the call, they want to appeal their case. In Jesus Christ, we have a Mediator who makes our appeal for us—and in the Holy Spirit? We have a Guide who can help turn our negative calls into game-winning plays.

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Jordan SanchezComment
It’s Always a Winning Hand // Come Hell or High Water

Ready for a hard truth? Someone else out there is winning with the same hand you’ve been dealt. Ouch…I know. But it’s true. Someone out there in the world has a similar family with similar history in a similar town with similar setbacks...but they’re winning. And guess  what? You can, too. It doesn’t matter what hand you’re dealt. You can find a way to win.

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Jordan SanchezComment
You Do You, I’ll Do Me // Come Hell or High Water

There’s one variable that will be more unpredictable than any other this year. Any guesses on what it is? Or should I say—who it is? You see, the biggest obstacle to “Nevertheless Faith” will be the people in your life—their words, their actions. So how will you respond to the people in your life? Decide it today: “I won’t let who they are determine who I’ll be.”

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Jordan SanchezComment
The Necessity of Nevertheless // Come Hell or High Water

“This is going to be my year!” I know, you’ve said that before…but things went south and the year fell flat...or did it? Maybe the year didn’t fall flat—your persistence fell flat. But it’s a new year and it’s a new day. Don’t let the lows of 2024 dictate what kind of year it’s going to be. It’s time to develop “Nevertheless Faith”—a faith that stays strong, come Hell or high water.

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Jordan SanchezComment
The Point of Purpose // How to Survive a Christmas Movie

Cindy Lou Who is on a mission—a mission to find the true purpose of Christmas. Is it about gifts? Is it about lights and decorations? Or does Christmas mean a little bit more? And what about ourselves—what’s our purpose in all of this? Do we have any deeper meaning than just going to school or going to work? What purpose does God have in store for each of us?

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Isolation Issues // How to Survive a Christmas Movie

All Kevin McAllister wanted for Christmas was to be left alone—until he got his wish. Faced with the true nature of isolation, Kevin started to change his tune…all he wanted now? His family back with him. But unfortunately for many of us, Christmas is a time of crippling loneliness and isolation that we can’t wish our way out of. How do we handle it?

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Identity Crisis // How to Survive a Christmas Movie

“Who am I?” That’s the question at the heart of the movie “Elf.” It’s a story about an elf named Buddy who travels to New York City in search of his father. Sound a little familiar? Of course! We all have moments of identity crisis in our lives…wondering who we truly are. And the good news is that God has already answered our question! He’s spoken the truth of who we are in Him.

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What Did You Expect? // How to Survive a Christmas Movie

Poor Clark Griswold...all he wants is a picture-perfect family Christmas where nothing goes wrong and everyone is happy. Is that too much to ask for? Many of us are exactly like Clark—setting up unrealistic expectations that no relationship or event can ever live up to. How can we start to temper and manage our expectations in a truly healthy and godly way?

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