
Silent Symphony: When God Goes Quiet

The Book of Esther is one of only two works in Scripture that never mentions God. In fact, there doesn’t appear to be a single recorded miracle in the book—no moment where God steps into the narrative to save the day. That makes Esther one of the most relatable books in the biblical canon. Chances are, you’ve had moments in your life when God seemed to disappear from your story—and just when you need him the most. But just as Esther discovered, God’s sovereignty doesn’t take a single day off of work. And in the midst of the supposed silence, God is conducting a symphony in your life. All you have to do? Trust Him.

Part 1

Silent, Not Absent

Why is God so quiet? He parted the Red Sea, rained fire from the sky, and raised people from the dead. So why can’t he mend my broken relationships? Fix my financial struggles? Heal my dysfunctions? Questions like these may lead you to wonder if God is even there at all. As we struggle in the silence, there’s a truth we must remember: Silence doesn’t mean absence. So no matter how quiet things may seem in your life, God is with you.

Part 2

Is That You, God?

A symphony is defined as “ elaborate musical composition for a full orchestra.” And there lies the beauty of a symphony—that it incorporates all aspects of the orchestral suite: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion. God works in a similar way...He incorporates all aspects of His creation to speak. So when we think God is quiet, He in fact may be He speaking to us through a way—or through a person—that we never would’ve expected.

Part 3

I Will Go… Even Though

Here’s a thought—maybe God is “silent” because he’s waiting for you to speak? Maybe God is “still” because he’s waiting for you to act? God wants what we want...for His goodness and mercy to show up in our life in apparent ways. But for His goodness and mercy to follow us, we have to go where He leads, even if it takes us through the valley of the shadow of death.