The Bible is God’s Word—from Genesis to Revelation. It is inspired, trustworthy, and just as applicable to us today as it was when it was written. But did you know that when Jesus appeared on the scene, it wasn’t just a new chapter in the same story Scripture had been telling? There’s a reason for the split between Malachi and Matthew. From the moment Jesus’ first cry was heard in Bethlehem, it all changed. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus were all the end of one story and the start of a better one—with a better covenant based on better promises, leading to a better relationship with God. And the promise that Jesus offered still stands: a promise to change lives for forever and for the better.
2025 is going to be an exciting year at Cornerstone! Head over to our "New in 2025" page for relevant information and updates regarding all that is happening at Cornerstone!