Cornerstone Church

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Tara Seeman // Testimony


In 2017 I decided I no longer believed in love. I knew I loved my children. But I was positive I never wanted to open my heart or my life to a man.

But, God...

My divorce was ugly. I needed God, but I had closed off my heart to Him as well.

One night, as I was browsing Facebook, I reached out to an old friend who I had a great deal of respect for. He was an overcomer, always posting positive messages, and he was living a life of sobriety - or so I thought. I spent many days in my younger years drawing hearts around his name, but I knew for sure that now, as a woman who KNOWS she's not gonna let a man into her life, it would be safe to be friends with this guy.

But, God...

After reconnecting, I told Tim I was looking for a new church. I longed for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. I joined him for church that Sunday. When I arrived at Cornerstone, I instantly felt like I was home. Everybody was so welcoming and friendly. It was refreshing during this dark time in my life.

I began attending Cornerstone. Each week, my faith began to rebuild, and I got to really know the love of our Heavenly Father. And Tim met me there every week. I saw a man who was there for me, cared for me and my well-being, while believing and worshipping God alongside me. This was something I had never known.

I soon found out that he was not living a life of sobriety after all. I saw that sobriety was what he truly wanted though, so I stood by him as he reached for it. With the help of Pastor Brenda, Mike Schleis, many prayers, and a loving and merciful Heavenly Father, Tim and I are now married and living a life of sobriety!

You see, God had his hand in our situation all along. I say He put the butterflies in my life long ago, knowing they’d flutter again many years later. I believe that with Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, we will overcome any obstacles that enter our path. We now have a beautifully blended family with our combined four children. We are setting an example for our children of what love should look like, and how to never stop seeking our Heavenly Father. In Him, Tim and I have both found a happiness we have never known.

-Mrs. Timothy (Tara) Seeman