Cornerstone Church

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Jesse Coontz // Life Impact

The details don't even matter really. But, this week I woke up to a bit of a crisis. I had no idea what to do or how to make things right or how to afford to even find out. As I spiraled into panic I said, "Wait. We have a church family. Surely there is someone who could help with this kind of thing." So I called my church mama who talked to her hubby who called a friend who had someone to my house later this same day who fixed my crisis. No bill. No shame. No questions. Just help.

I want everyone to know what it feels like to have that kind of family. And I don't mean to have a church family because they do stuff for you like set up meal trains or send in heros in a crisis. I mean.. I want everyone to know what it feels like to find yourself in a moment of crisis and worry and fear and know that there's someone you can call.

Maybe most people are privileged enough to grow up in families where they have felt that their whole lives.

I wasn't.

If you need that too- please come join our family at Cornerstone. God never promised us that this life would be easy. But he did promise we wouldn't have to do it alone. Cornerstone makes the same promise.

I'm grateful beyond words for Debbie McCloy Ring, Jim Ring & Ben and Zack from A1 Heating and Cooling. You don't even know what today meant to me. I'm totally wrecked and grateful for this!