Cornerstone Church

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Hey Church!

Iā€™m going to keep this short today and get right to it.

Weā€™re in an incredibly divided time...a time of frustration, a time of worry, a time of anger. Why, oh why, did COVID-19 fall during an election year? Isnā€™t the election hard enough on its own?

But itā€™s all here, nonetheless. The pandemic back on the rise, the election fallout, the normal worries that come back up around the holidaysā€”itā€™s all here and weā€™re going through it.

And we will get through it.

Thatā€™s because weā€™re Godā€™s people and God is with us. In fact, heā€™s been with us. Heā€™s been with us during the pandemic, and heā€™ll be with us during the fallout of this election.

The real question is, ā€œWill we be with him?ā€ Will we follow the example of Jesusā€™ self-sacrificial love in the coming weeks? Will we reflect his kindness and compassion? Will we believe him when he says that he will make all thingsā€”even the difficult daysā€”work together for our good?

God is with us. Letā€™s be with him.
Iā€™m praying for you this week, Church.
Long live the King.

Keep Encouraged!