Cornerstone Church

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Better Late Than Never // Killing Time

Well, here we are. We are officially past the halfway point of 2023. Before you know it, the summer will give way to Pumpkin Spice Lattes and football—and another year will almost be in the books.’s it going? Your year? The things you wanted to do, the person you wanted to become, the goals you wanted to achieve? Be honest with yourself. Have you been seizing the moment in 2023—or have you been killing time? If you’ve neglected the opportunities God has given you this year, there’s good news—there’s still time! You don’t have to squander one more second to start living the life God designed for you. As the saying goes: “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time? TODAY.” It’s time for us to stop killing time and start seizing the moments God has given.

No matter how hard we wish it were otherwise—once time has passed, it’s gone forever. We can’t create more time, but we can take advantage of time. Seizing the moments ahead of us is the closest we can get to having a time-machine; a way to redeem the decisions and missed opportunities of the past to advance us confidently into the future.